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a Message from Bob Armstrong |August 19

Posted by Whistler Mountain Ski Club on Aug 19 2020 at 02:51PM PDT in 2020-2021 Season

Dear Members,

Here we are in the last weeks of August and the home stretch of summer. I am sure most of you are preparing the kids for back to school, which will look and feel quite different than in years past.

As we are all now trying to plan our fall in uncertain times, I want to share some information with you regarding the club’s fall programs and the upcoming season.

We are currently in the midst of the final summer camps for all programs and looking forward to seeing everyone at Sports Saturdays starting again on Sept 5th.

Fall Camps
The Lead coaches have been working through the final logistics regarding Whistler- based fall fitness weekends (Sept – Nov) and late fall ski camps being planned for Sun Peaks and Panorama. Final ski camp dates will be sent out by your Lead coaches early Sept. These fall camps have always proved to be a tremendous start to the season and a great way for the athletes to find their ski legs again on “hard” snow. Keep in mind that travel/accommodations for these trips will likely be different this year based on Covid guidelines. Once we get a better understanding of how this will pan out, we will notify everyone. As you can imagine this year so much of what we are planning is a moving target.

Upcoming Season
I have been in frequent contact with the mountain regarding the upcoming season. They are currently working through details on various options centered on demand and capacity. Rest assured they are doing everything they can to plan for a successful ski season in light of the ongoing Covid situation.

I just received a note from BC Alpine explaining why they have yet to define the race schedule; they are awaiting final race decisions from organizing committees of FIS and Nor Am to then plan the BC race schedule. In addition, BC Alpine is in conversation with CWSAA (Canada West Ski Areas Ass.) as to how ski resort operators will specifically return to hosting
competitions. All this to say there are a lot of moving parts at the moment!

Important Dates
Ski Swap the weekend of Oct 10th.. We are also planning an orientation session for new U12 families that weekend.

Kick-off Meeting & AGM Nov 7th .
These certainly are challenging times for all of us and your club. We are working hard in these highly fluid circumstances to determine how to best deliver this year’s WMSC’s ski racing programs in the safest manner possible. Stay well and we will see you all soon!




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