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Ed Update | January

Posted by Whistler Mountain Ski Club on Feb 04 2021 at 10:27AM PST in 2020-2021 Season

January 2021 Update

Here we are end of January and, all things considered, we are having a solid season thus far! Our holiday camps were well attended, and the skiing has been excellent vs. a year ago. The report from the coaches and what I have witnessed myself on the mountain, we are seeing tremendous development at all levels both free skiing and gate training. There certainly has been no shortage of free skiing which goes a long way in promoting excellence in our fundamentals. Great skiers become great racers!

I want to say a big thank you again to WB for providing the new snow making equipment towards the finish. It has been a great improvement and Dale is working closely with grooming and the snow making crew to create some of the best training conditions we have seen in years. Thanks Dale!!

We have had a new member zoom call and ski around which were well attended. Thanks to Carmine Boskovich for organizing this. These events were a big success and a great opportunity for member engagement in these COVID-challenged times. We plan on hosting these new member ski arounds several times, along with a Level One Officials Zoom Course, over the next 4-6 weeks. Keep your eye out for more details to come!

Event Update

As everyone understands, our scheduled racing events have been put on hold until the public health restrictions are eased and BC Alpine gets the go ahead to execute races. We still have in the schedule a possible FIS series in March and a scaled down Whistler Cup for April (ap 15-18). In the event that restrictions are lifted and we are permitted to host other cancelled races, we will try to fit these events in March and early April. In the meantime we will continue to provide timed training opportunities and other unique on hill environments for our athletes.

Other News

XC Saturdays have been a terrific success and we anticipate other opportunities at Olympic Park

We had several of our WMSC Alumni home for an extended period of time (Nov – Jan) which allowed our next generation of racers to witness these athletes train. This was a big hit and thanks to those that contributed!!

Thanks also to Roman Thorn who is now providing World Cup video each week in our e-news. We certainly hope you have witnessed the WMSC Alum on the world stage, so proud!!

Midyear athlete reports will be coming your way mid Feb.


As I am sure you are aware, Whistler is currently seeing a surge in positive COVID tests. We are very fortunate to have one of the few ski racing programs in operation in Canada right now. We must all do everything we can to preserve this incredible opportunity the club has in these challenging times. We therefore ask that now more than ever, you and your families vigorously follow the daily health checks and remind the kids that we must be COVID diligent at all times, even when they are no longer under our care on the mountain.

Finally, during these times, I wanted to remind the membership and athletes of our Teamship Values and provide an examples of how they are relevant right now -

Excellence in Behaviour – Follow the public health guidelines to the best of your ability, on hill and off. Wear your mask and excel in lift line etiquette!

Excellence in Effort – Even though we are unable to race, make the most of the training opportunities you have this year. Many athletes have no training opportunities right now.

Excellence in Communication – Be actively supportive of teammates who are setting a good example and most importantly, if you are not feeling well, let people know.

Excellence in Reputation – Show leadership in setting a good public health example with your teammates, your coaches, WB staff and the skiing public. Say thank you.

Stay safe and make the most of the incredible opportunity we have to be in this spectacular mountain playground!!!




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