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WMSC Adopts Alpine Canada Concussion Protocol

Posted by Whistler Mountain Ski Club on Oct 24 2018 at 11:18AM PDT in 2020-2021 Season

While we are all aware of the dangers presented by head injuries, as well as whiplash-type injuries that may also result in concussions, our understanding of and protocols for potential concussion injuries is continually evolving.

Alpine Canada has recently adopted an extensive and comprehensive Concussion Protocol for ski clubs which covers the recognition, medical diagnosis, and management of athletes who may sustain a suspected concussion during a sport activity. The Alpine Canada Concussion Protocol aims to ensure that athletes with a suspected concussion receive timely and appropriate care and proper management to allow them to return back to skiing safely. WMSC is implementing this Protocol for the upcoming season.

The Alpine Canada Concussion Protocol includes the Concussion Recognition Tool 5 developed by Parachute Canada http://www.wmsc.info/organizations/3850/documents/198384 and our coaching staff are trained to use this Tool as part of the Club’s Emergency Action Plan. However, it is important to note that our coaches are not certified to make medical assessments of concussion injuries, and the Club will follow the Alpine Canada Return to Sport protocol (including requiring a clearance letter from a health professional prior to returning to training).

The Alpine Canada Concussion Protocol states that “current evidence does not support the use of baseline concussion testing” for youth athletes. Parents/Athletes who wish to utilize baseline testing are recommended to consult with their health professionals.

Further information can be fount at: http://www.parachutecanada.org/injury-topics/item/concussion.


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